Camp Hanes

The sixth grade waited excitedly with our bags for the buses to come that would take us to Camp Hanes. At eight o’clock the two big buses pulled up on the curb. We loaded our bags in the bottom of the bus and got on. After two hours, we arrived. There were mountains next to the camp. We unloaded the bags from the bus and took them to a room.

After we brought our bags to the cabins, we went to an outdoor area. It was really pretty, there were big green hills and a mountain looming over the camp. Our group went to the lake. The counselors told us how to get into the canoes. Then we got a partner and put our life jackets on. After we got into the boat, they untied the knot. Then we paddled away from the dock. Then we chased the other boats. Another boat rammed our boat and tried to grab our rope but my partner tied it in a knot. Then some other boats came and started ramming each other. But they drifted to the shore and got stuck. They tried to grab our boat again but it drifted away. Then we had to go back to the dock. Rock climbing was also fun because there was a very tall wall with belays where you can go up and down. On the side, there was a net with a mini wall where you could crawl on ropes and look down and watch the climbers  climb up the wall. On the way down, there was pixy stix where you can climb on wood poles. The activities were both really fun.

I have already slept away from home a couple times, but it was fun going with my friends. Campfire or the bus ride was my favorite because at campfire it was next to the lake. There were songs and skits. The buses had TVs. The cabins were spacious and cool. I liked the meal time because it was fun eating at the dining hall. It was fun going to an overnight camp! I can’t wait for the next one.


2 Comments on Camp Hanes

  1. 29connork
    October 31, 2022 at 12:32 pm (2 years ago)

    I like how you explained your feelings very good.

  2. 29anayap
    October 31, 2022 at 12:33 pm (2 years ago)

    I like how you included a lot of detail in your writing and you wrote a lot so you could give the reader as whole picture.


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